Monday, December 10, 2012


Reddit is fun, until you hit places like /r/politics where echo chamber was born. It's one of the worst places on the internet. Seriously, how could anyone get any real info off /r/politics? They can't.

You might ask Reddit what they're about and they'd lie. Read this instead. Reddit. 

And a great breakdown (though old) of what the subreddits are like. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Gay Hitler's Idiot's Guide to Tolerance

I'm not supposed to mention Hitler in a debate because of a douchebag named Godwin who egotistically named a law after himself. Too bad. Not mentioning Hitler allows people to act like him and not get called out on it. It's amazing that Dan Savage cares enough to tell those who are bullied for their sexuality that “things get better” and yet when things don't get better quick enough for him, he calls on the power of Hitler (as if Hitler were Captain Planet) to vent his frustration. His speech was very similar to how Hitler spoke about different view points. How they are vile and need to be removed.

I bet if a group of atheists went around burning Churches Gay Hitler (Dan Savage) would look the other way. Just like the women groups ignore any crude comment that is made about conservative women. And on that rare occasion that they stand up for conservative women, they do it with a caveat of how they don't agree with them. No one asked if you agreed with them. The pejorative term used is what needs discussed, not if the person is upstanding in your opinion. Quite frankly anyone who claims to fight for one group of people are bias losers anyway, so no one should want them in their corner. They are not looking out for your best interest. They are looking out for the best interest of the group. They make matters worse. Like GLAAD. Or PeTA. Or NAACP.

If Gay Hitler (Dan Savage) really cared about things getting better, then he would treat others who have different view points...better. He wouldn't care what's believed unless those that believe (such as WBC [those wonderful people that Freedom Caring Canada ban from entering their country...just another liberal hypocrite in action] who spout hateful things during funerals) are trying to destroy people. Then it's worth standing up against and telling them they are being vile because they are going directly against the teachings of Christ about love.

Instead Gay Hitler (now I don't have to say his name...connection) decides to preach to high school journalist about what he hates. Now that's how to show tolerance. He should write an idiot's guide. He didn't allow them to speak up for what they believe in. He decided to scream at them and call them names for choosing to walk out on his tirade. That is what the left always wants. Why don't you turn the other cheek. That they did and yet the left still went after them. I say the left because they are defending his vile actions because they love to hate.

Liberals swear they're tolerant and then they back a Gay Hitler, totally destroying this idea they care about how others are treated. I suppose they only care if those who are mistreated are those who think just like them. It is best to only stand up for those that agree with you, because that's how to be tolerant. So says the Gay Hitler's Idiot's Guide to being Tolerant.

I'm not even going to get into the fact that Gay Hitler misused the Bible through his childish rant about how he didn't like a book that he doesn't believe in because it doesn't like his lifestyle choice. He honestly believes that there should be a law saying everyone has to love all gay people or you'll be hated on by the tolerant left. That Idiot's Guide is writing itself. They are not all likeable. Therefore they don't deserve to be liked just because they're gay. It's not like Gay Hitler likes Christians. He displays in that video that he hates them. For someone to advocate that tolerance is the answer to show intolerance is painfully funny. Idiot's Guide Gold.

And if you want everyone to like you, Gay Hitler, you are in for a rude awakening. For you it no longer gets better. After this, it gets worse and that's not because Christians are (as you suggest) intolerant due to their beliefs. It's because you're intolerant due to your hate. It's because of people like you that gays have it rough. You are not likeable, which is exactly what you need to be when you are promoting tolerance.  

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Current TV Failure

And it looks like their business practices are catching up to them and Current TV will eventually fail. And I will be there to laugh in their face.  Because they suck and failure is all they will ever be good at.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Will320069 is a dirty Old Man

I have posted on forums since 2004.

Ever since I said that Will320069  flirts with girls who were underage, he was out to get me. If I weren't telling the truth he wouldn't have to attack me. He'd just have to let the evidence speak for itself. I only said it once and I said it to someone in private. But he couldn't do that. Search his screen name and you'll see that he flirts with girls. A lot. Right now the pickings are slim and there are no young ones he can swindle with his nasty words, so you won't find anything recently. And most of his nasty comments have go away due to how the website removes posts after a certain amount of inactivity. But I did search and found some that are good enough, but not as bad as he had gotten at one point.

When you're 28 and flirt with a girl that's 19, that's creepy. He flirted with girls that were 16 when he was 22. That's disgusting. If you find nothing wrong with that, well you don't have a daughter or you're just as dirty as Will. There is no reason for a 22 year old to flirt with a 16 year old girl online in front of the world. If that's what he said in public, one shouldn't even imagine what he said in private.

I wouldn't be surprised if Will had a record. But that's not something Jeff checks into when he hires mods.

Jeff is the owner and he could care less about how mods treat anyone. It took him ages to realize that a certain mod by the name of Adam was bad. He was told that Adam was bad. But he didn't do anything about it and Adam went on a tirade and deleted so much stuff that it most likely forced some posters to leave.

In 2005 the forums were bustling with new people and it was fun.

In 2005 Darphabobo took a prank too far and because he quoted me in the forums Jeff blamed me for something someone else did. It didn't matter if I said I didn't do it. It didn't matter I had nothing to do with it. It didn't matter that he had no proof or that what proof he had came from Will who had a history of not liking guys who stood up to him. This is why he doesn't talk to any guy. As long as he can control their thinking and keep them thinking he's smart, then he'll speak with them. That's why the two mods in BS are mods with him. They'll abide by how he runs things and won't think for themselves. And if you search their names on the BS forum, you'll see that they never confront Will when he's being dirty, nasty old man.

In 2006 Jeff allowed another crazy person to run around and do and say whatever he wanted. Seren_dipity  and in February he deleted an entire thread that was 10,000 pages under his boyfriend's (Sn0wman) profile name that was mod at the time. Neither Sn0wman or Seren_dipity got into trouble for their actions. That's a big thing on a forum...deleting people's posts in mass.

Jeff has a knack for befriending crazy people online and acting as if they're not crazy.

There was a poster by the name of Phoenix_89 who told everyone he was 16. He wasn't 16. He was more like 14 or something and he got to be mod and friends with Jeff. When it came out he lied, Jeff didn't care. And if he did, he didn't do anything about it.

I say that because whenever he was upset with me, the entire site knew because he couldn't help but spread it around like herpes.

Then there's Crosstheline who told everyone that he was a boy only years later to find out that he was a she the entire time. That's not a big deal if she told the truth the first time, but she lied and she was mod and she was friends with Jeff and Jeff didn't do anything about that one either. Not to mention a guy like him as a guy and then liked him as a girl. Go figure that one. Someone lies like that you gotta be a loon to fall for them.

Under all that crazy, I have great reason to question why Jeff gets upset over anything that I do. He couldn't list one thing that he's ever gotten upset with me over that is remotely close to what the above people have done or continue to do.

When he tells me I've said something wrong, I've asked what is wrong with what I've said. He doesn't ever have an answer outside how it makes other people feel. The question then is who made them think like that? Who trained them that it as okay to treat me like that? Jeff. He is upset with me because people view me as he wants them to view me? Exactly how is that my fault? How is that not retarded? How hard is it to tell people to get over not liking an opinion? He's babied several posters and now he has a site that's mainly brats.

This is another liberal ran website that tries and shuts people down if the owners don't agree with them. How can they seriously go about their lives claiming to want equality and fair treatment of people when they can't even do that on a simple little webiste?

If you profess that you're one thing (such as tolerant), most likely you're not.

When you accept the behavior you find abhorrent only because the behavior is against whom you dislike…it makes you the problem you abhorre.

If I were terrible, Jeff would have removed me along with Darph the first go around. But I wasn't terrible. He has some form of guilt for lumping me together with what he knew was wrong and that guilt has ate at him for the longest time and I play on it whenever I can. If I don't, he'll forget how wrong he's been and that cannot be allowed.

This is the man that allowed people to state I was a pedophile without any proof. He just let people say it. He even joined in the conversations. What kind of man runs a “student” website and allows a pedophile on? What kind of website owner for “students” lies about someone being something that they're not? The same kind of person that can't tell if someone's lying to him over gender or age.

Due to trusting the very ones who are negative and intolerant, he’s created a website that bleeds members. The mass exodus happened in the summer of 2006 when he allowed lies about me being a pedophile spread unquestioned and he never, ever redacted it or put those who said it in trouble. Some of them are still mods like Will320069, Greentutrle and for a long while, Bat.

If you go to Random Random or Ran Dumb, you can see how much fun it use to be. It's not totally seen in these threads, because these threads were deleted and the replacements' first few pages are on that topic, but once that passes, you can see how much fun it was. And for a while it lasts until the summer '06 when Jeff and Will320069 create a witch hunt out of nothing for me.

A question is why would I stick around if I was being mistreated? It’s like you finding a home you like and buying it. For years you care for it as your house and can’t think of another place to live. Then one neighbor starts to hate you for no reason. This bully neighbor gathers other neighbors together to hate on you as well. In total there’s five of them causing problems by talking trash about you. They claim no one wants you in the neighborhood any more. There are 100 other people that live there, but most of them are silent. Several don’t speak up. Instead of siding, they decide the peace of the neighborhood is gone, so…so are they. They move. The head of Home Owner’s Association blames you for all the problems, never once considering the bully neighbor as an issue. Anything you say to the bully neighbor is considered as an act of defiance and you are punished for it. After investing so much money and time into your home, do you up and leave or stay and fight?

I'm fighting. And in the next few posts I'll show you want is allowed to stick around while what I say is questioned as crass, mean and hateful.  

Monday, March 12, 2012

Heavy Dose of Great Humanity

This is where I post my happy thoughts and things that make me giggle. 'Cause it ain't going in this blog, that's for sure.

My Tumblr. Fun times. I hope.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Douchebag Racist of the Moment

What a douchebage racist. 
"(He said) that Jews control the government and that you need to be their friends in order to be successful, that Jews control the media. To me, that was just so hateful and horrible," said Noah Ickowitz, a UC Berkelely ASUC Senator.
"This is not hate, this is actual facts," Farrakhan said. 
Who listens to this fool?

Facts happen to be backed by more than emotional anger. In this day and age that's all people are putting stock in, emotional facts. Facts that are created by someone's immature emotional state. Sad that that's how things have fallen. This world is in the hands of the inept.

Broken People Live in Detroit

If you don't like the price of condoms, go buy them from somewhere else. If you're going to trash someone's store, then you risk your life. Because gas station clerks don't mess around. Nor should they have to. So this fool died for condoms. Broken.

As I've said, constantly, Detroit needs to just be abandoned. It sucks. So does DC and so does Chicago. Let them all just waste away. The thugs have taken over, anyway.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Broken People of the Moment

Another case against excessive drinking. I do know morons who drink until they pass out and act as if it's okay. Drink a lot. HEY I gots a cannon. Let's play. Aim it at the trailer (oh, was a trailer) and FIRE! Oh, and forget that your wife is inside. that's a mess you have to deal with for a while. That and being the but of the jokes.

Next we have a family that allows their children access toreally powerful magnets. SO powerful that they just tear you up if you swallow…I don’t know…say 30! Seriously. What is wrong with people? I don’t understand the appeal of magnets. Wouldn’t they taste metallic and nasty? Nothing like candy.
"This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy."

Had that been a black child set on fire, the nation would be ablaze. But since it's just a white kid, it all right. Ain't no one going to shed a tear for a little ol' white boy. Certainly not anyone who is a liberal. It makes me sick that such people exist. Setting someone on fire takes too much hate. Enough that if you do something like that, what right do you have to live?

I need a heavy dose of great humanity. Maybe I got some....

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Promotional Suck: People

The following people's online personalities make an online living as liars.

The following people are from Authonomy. These people claim to be writers. As with many things the world over there are good and there are bad. The following is the list of the bad. The bad writers not bad writing. Sure they might write well, but being a douchebag and a good writer isn't a very good combo, now, is it? Click on their links and you will be brought to their works and you can judge for yourselves. Judge the liars of Authonomy. Good liars make good writers? Yeah, right.

Not only are they douchebags, but liars. Liars because they choose to use lies to spread about people they do not know. And in doing so cause more damage in their wake than they care to admit to. And when that sort of online play is flipped on them, they cry like little British Pussy Cats. Sissies, if you will. Even if they are American, they're the weaker counter parts by their shining personality. Especially if they are a pig from Florida.

Published (as we know with Twilight) doesn't a good writer make. I'm pretty sure you've read some duds in your day and some in your future.

Who happens to be the first on the list? Groaner the dictionary name stealing pig. Though originality isn't with him in name, it is also not with him in humor. Might as well prepare yourself to be underwhelmed with his comedic flaws. Do enjoy reading his book. I'm sure it'll bring out the swine in you.

As you'll see William is the douchebag name of the century. This William misuses the idea “Thought Crime” in such a manner that one would have to call him a liar if he ever said he read “1984”, cause there is no way. Look at what he writes about thought crime. He might as well be writing about how the 1900 Galveston Hurricane was just a bunch of wind. I don't know which is worse a creatively retarded English Professor or a Mentally Deficient Engineer (John Booth). Based on his idea of what makes a good thread the English Douchesser could be the winner if I would call it that. But I don't. I call it the loser of the losers. Read the pitch for “Faust's Butterfly” cause it shows you how into himself he is. Only an English Professor could write something so wordy. That's not a pitch, that's a mini book. The badge of honor on the book is a bad mark for the one that handed it over. Really, who would vouch for something so hollow other than a fellow hollower? 

That pretty thread he mentions Authonovillains had someone saying how good it was. He took half a word and mashed it with a whole word. It's no more creative than taking two pieces of bread and putting them together using peanut butter. If you're that amazed by that not cool combo then I have some ocean front property in Arizona. And based on your lack of finding what's creative and original you should buy that hook, line and sinker without smelling the cliché...which you can't anyway seeing how William Holt uses it as chloroform to get people to fawn over his not-wit.

"Shaddowdon" has this lovely bit: "Peters looked to his colleagues for support. Bishop Peters was a big man who seemed to fill the room with his presence."

Bishop Peters mentioned first and then state Peters as the shorter name. He reverses it. Why? Because Booth is British and as a British person he thinks he knows everything and in knowing everything he proves he knows nothing. How that whacked out HarperCollins reviewer didn't catch that just shows what a trashy site it is. First they allow The Period Collective (Booth's creation) to run around dictating who gets to stay and then they review creative works by creatively retarded engineers and tell them they are geniuses. This site is connected to a trailer that is set on fire by a fart and a match. As for Booth, he needs to read the “Phantom Tollbooth” cause his likeness is in that book. The Humbug of course. He shares said character with his Period Collective. If you go in the Faux Agent thread their suggestions are so vague the people who use the help are better off getting help from a blind-deaf man. Not to mention Booth is the King of Liars on Authonomy. He probably spit cleans his crown.

She is the LY-ADVERB Queen. This is not something you'd want to be. Read her first page of “Zamorna”. Replace all the LY-ADVERBS with LIKE and you'll read how obnoxious it is to use them so often. She might as well stamp California Dolt on her forehead and be done with it. If you do risk your time reading her book, note how talented she is if she didn't over use LY-ADVERBS. Talk about silting your writing wrist and bleeding all over the place. Good EMO GOD. It's no wonder she agreed name the group the Period Collective. It's her favorite state of mind. She barely can think for herself without the man taking the lead for her. It's pretty sad that the Woman's Movement happened and she spits in its face by following the lead of John Booth and his urinal buddy Richard Matiland. Don't trust her opinion, it can't come without being allowed. So you might as well never listen to her.

Speaking of follower...Bev Allen. If you knew her you'd nod your head. She is a follower through and through. Read her opinions in the Faux Agent thread. All she has the ability to do is agree with her Period Collective cohorts. “Undiscovered Ends” reads like an unsure child with spacial problems. Read this: “Some large insect had found its way into the depths of one of the woven baskets which stood decoratively on a shelf behind the candidate and the resulting deep drone and soft thuds added to the tension filling the room.” That's one long sentence that might as well have been written by a kindergartner who just went camping over the summer. If one said that's who wrote it, I'd buy it as good writing. But when I'm told someone who is older than dirt on my kicks from kindergarten, then I'm disappointed in how people of today lower their standards on what is good writing.

He creates a thread that's for faux agents, but what he attracts are the most self absorbed critiquers on the entire site. If one read his work they'd guess him as an archaeologist cause his writing is as dusty as they come. Read this:
     “Luisa Ramirez is nineteen, immortal, and living in Jazz Age Miami. Some would consider it paradise, but for Luisa, it is more like paradise lost. Centuries have passed since her galleon washed up in the lagoon. Too many of her loved ones have grown old and died. She can no longer bear to be the custodian of their memories.
     So when Luisa falls in love with Anastasia, she is determined to free herself from her immortality, and live a single lifetime with the woman she loves. But Luisa’s life is not hers to give. She is bound to the nymph who once guarded the Fountain of Youth. Only by finding the nymph, and returning her to the Fountain, can Luisa become mortal again.
     Standing in her way is Miami’s other immortal citizen, Juan Ponce De Leon. He has claimed the Fountain, for his own, and will not relinquish his prize without a fight.”

Boring only covers all of it, but lame sums it all up. He mentions paradise twice in back to back sentences. That's bad. He should have started with the most interesting part of the entire wordy pitch...and that would be “Bound to a nymph that once guarded the Fountain of Youth, Luisa Ramirez lives a life that is not hers.” and went on from there. But because his friends SUCK at being creative, he is stuck with the above trite mess and accepts it as great. What a hapless moron. He chooses to be this way out of his lack of social skills that could afford him the ability to pick people to befriend who'd help him grow as a writer. Instead he's retard his instincts that has tricked him into believing those who post in the Faux Agent thread have his best interest at heart.

How is “Stones” number 26 if not for whoring herself out? It's not because of the writing, that's for sure.

Read this: “Coo’s alcoholic brother Sam has died and her family is falling apart. Unable to speak of her own role in his death, or forgive her parents for failing to protect her, she is searching for a lifeline.”

That sentence is so convoluted that it's no wonder her post read as if she's some sort of malnourished handi-uncapable loser. That and she tries way too hard to be passive aggressive. She's so unreasonable in her idea of what is good writing she likes Richard Maitland's writing and opinions. She needs to get out more. Which is probably why she chose that avatar. She wishes she could leave the confines of her constricting mind. And anyone reading her views on writing knows that she's constricted worse than a boa.

I saved the King Douchebag for last. Not last as in I'm not doing any more, just last for this post. He needs to bring up the rear in someone's view, cause he's so into being first that humble is something this STD ridden guy can't catch. And by STD I mean Super Trite Douchebag. The moment you can point out where Richard admits to being wrong on writing is a moment one can call into question him being a douchebag. Until then, he's a douchebag. And by douchebag I mean DOUCHEBAG. The fact that he's British and hides his writing (in the crap closet) only makes him a ginormous douchebag that if NASA wanted to (but can't because Obama killed it), they could see him from space. He's a douchebag that all other douchebags look up to. Shockingly he does have writing up. Not that one can prove he wrote any of that. I wouldn't be shocked if someone proved him to be a plagiarizer. No one who posts asinine post like his could possibly have written anything worthy of being read. Not to mention he posts more lies than a liar at a lying convention.

 “Spanning 4,000 years and most of infinity and beyond, The Sex Stone of Agassia involves an extensive cast of bumbling policemen, impoverished aristocrats, Bedouin tribesmen, cantankerous aunts, FBI agents, lost babies, obsessive inventors, red-neck sheriffs, Luftwaffe officers, homesick extraterrestrials, despots, goatherds, and well-endowed vicars.”

It reads like a cliché had sex with a cliché and then had sex with a cliché only after having sex with a cliché and then after all this sex birthed a big, fat, nasty, gross, greasy, fart of a cliché. With all his chest puffing he does the forum over, how can he write something so dumb? Because he's a douchebag.

On a wonderful closing note:

If you dare to venture to Authonomy beware of the idiots. They were kind enough to show themselves in this thread.  Of course that's not all of them, but that's a good chunk of them. If these people are who agents pick to publish books...well, there's no wonder why the publishing world is failing. Any group of people that claim to be mature that speak of others in this manner are neither mature nor sane. They are, however, selfish, uncouth, prattling fools. And anyone listening to anything they have to offer will lose not only a good chunk of their life, but be dumber for it.

You've been warned.

Until next time when I post about more liars that lie like dogs under a porch in the deep south.

Broken All Up In The News

The following stories are brought to you by broken. Broken being what happens to those that cannot function like a normal human being. News is proliferated with broken people.
People are broken. How do you not know that you lost your child in your car? How do you not hear that the rear door opened? How do you not hear the rear door shut? How do you not hear what you’re supposed to love with all your heart fall out of your moving car? How can you call yourself a mother?

Seriously? What is wrong with people? I know what’s wrong with people and you can fall a small part of that on forums in how people interact with one another. Especially writing forums like Authonomy that has broken, downright retarded British people. I’m going to harp on that until I feel they’ve been bloodied enough. And it hasn’t been enough. Yet. Probably never.

Speaking of broken:
People’s signing at karaoke bars suck to begin with, but shooting someone because you didn’t like what they sang? Now that’s just down right retarded.

If karaoke was graded on a life or death scale, then there would be a lot of deaths. A graveyard full of death.  The entire-population-of-Japan dead.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Promotional Suck: Websites

A list of people, websites and things that I think suck. I'll link and promote them. If people like some things on the list, okay. That's where the promotional aspect comes into play. The people who are on the list will have to acknowledge that I've helped in their promotion. The fact that they'll know that I've helped is good enough for me.

Why? Because if I promote those that think I hate them, they have to admit I helped people find them. And even if they don't admit it, the fact that people found them through me makes this an awesome idea.

If a website backs writers that attack other writers, then that's not a website to post on. The following websites allow writers to be attacked by mobs and do nothing about it:

These websites swear to care about writers. The only writers they care about are the ones that are witless bores. Where is the website that cares about writers being writers instead of caring about writers being confined to rules that promote one type of writer: the moron kind.

Speaking of morons the following websites came to mind:

They are liberal ran websites that only wish to promote one boring, uncooked idea. I know, it's redundant to say liberal and uncooked idea. I apologize.

Next I'll go into a more personal opinions on certain writers. There is a rule that you shouldn't do that, but if they can go on the above websites and spread lies...then so can I.  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Promotional Suck PrePost

This is to wet the appetite of those that snoop around my blogs just to see what I will say next. I'm going to compile a list of SUCK that I have found the internet over. In this wonderful list I will include websites and posters on said websites. I will link to websites and the posters' profiles. I will mention why they suck and on what level their suckiness is. If they so happen to become more popular due to my Promotional Suck idea, so be it. The idea isn't ruin them, but to enlighten people of who sucks and why.

This is going to be very therapeutic.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Authonomy Sucks!

Authonomy is a website that is supposedly for writers. Instead it's a website that would rather cater to mob rule and ban anyone that doesn't abide by the rule of a mob or a gang. Have you ever lived in a neighborhood ran by a gang? It's chaotic. They don't have set rules and it's confusing. That's how Authonomy is ran. 

Authonomy sends this me this email without stating the problem: 

Your behaviour on the site has been flagged as abusive.
The Authonomy team tries to take a reasonably hands-off approach to moderation. However, racist, offensive, and irrelevant comments and messages will not be tolerated, nor will any flagrant exploitation of the Authonomy system. If this behaviour persists we will be forced to delete your account.

That's confusing. You can't tell someone they did something wrong without saying what it is they did wrong. 

First of all when a person or a website states that they're reasonable it's 99% accurate that they are not. If you have to state you are reasonable, you're not. If reasonable isn't shown in your actions, stating it isn't going to make it so. Duh.

Second, when you say “However” or “but” you negate the previous statement. Meaning they just stated that they were reasonable only to state that they're not. Which would be more truthful.

Third, “forced” is waste word. No one forces you to do anything. CHOICE. You choose to do it.

Anyway after that dumb email from a website claiming to be for writers from a country that has SKINS on its TV set. A show that has more foul language than most movies and they are going to whine over what? I don't know. They do not answer what was wrong. That's another reason why they are NOT reasonable. Reasonable people have a reason for doing something. When you offer no reason for doing something, you are not reasonable.

Reasonable people also give warnings. They gave no warning.

As per our terms and conditions, we have the right to remove any member whose activity is deemed offensive or inappropriate. Following previous warnings about your use of the Authonomy site, your behaviour has continued to be deemed abusive. As such, we have now closed your account and all content will be lost.

There were no previous warnings. More proof Authonomy is NOT reasonable.

What was abusive? The reasonable Authonomy didn't have an answer. Typical lairs. Say you are reasonable and when asked what's the problem, ignore it. Just so these “writers” know...that's not reasonable

They state that the banning happened because of abuse. Which is a lie shown by their next email:
Your deletion was based on an accumulation of complaints, and not on the actions or requests of any one member. We reserve the right to remove any personality that is causing disruption in the forums.

“An accumulation of complaints” which means they were upset over how many people complained over NOTHING than someone breaking a rule.

What rule was broken? None. They were upset that enough people complained. And who were the complainers?

The Period Collective

That's another creative way of saying pack of demonic wolves. They tend to go about their business as “kindhearted” people until you disagree with them. And then they come in one at a time to tell you that you can't tell them they're wrong. They rile themselves up to make it appear as if they have some justifiable reason for being douchebags of the British order. Oh yes, some of them might not be British. (and though they like to be called the English...that's the reason why they take the douchebag cake and eat it, too.) But to emulate British people is pretty pathetic when they can't even begin to take what they give.

John Stewart said  they have all that trash on their TV and yet you can't mock the Parliament? That's cause they take themselves far too seriously. What kind of “freedom” is that? The country that allows SKINS on TV creates a website that gets pissy when someone has a difference of opinion.

Richard Maitland
John Booth
Brooklyn Writer
Bev Allen
Patrick Whittaker
Jack Cerro
Tom B
Not Really There
Shakespeare's Talking Head
Eric Laing
William Holt
JD Revene
Rob1969 - - Don't be fooled by the helping hand in the avatar. If that were true, he wouldn't hang around the above.

If you disagree with any of them or they'll band together and try to remove you from the website. They'll try and convince you otherwise. Don't trust them.

Why would you want to be on a website that is ran by a mob? Authonomy said it themselves...if enough people complain they control the website. How is that right?

Richcard Maitland and John Booth are saddlebags (cause they got nasty skin). They go around telling others what they are and can't handle when the tables are turned.

Email Authonomy and tell them that Richard Maitland and John Booth have offended you. If enough people do it Authonomy will ban them. I'm sure they've got that one warning already.

Most likely they won't be ban and that's because they are favorites. They say worse things than anyone and yet here they sit prattling their preorations and no one says anything about the double standard. They are perfidious about what they've done and have done in life and yet everyone gobbles up what they say. I'm sure there are 40 more posters out there that have had a run in with them and find it disheartening that a website that wants to promote writing would allow Richard Maitland and John Booth to post. They don't even have evidence that they know how to write. Posting is as much proof of a great writer as debate is of a great President/Leader.

I already have 40 people willing to email. The more the merrier. Their email address:

Will the website abide by its made up rules or do as cowards do and show favoritism?

The problem isn't banning, it's banning under the guise of not following the rules when actuality the rule is whoever they don't like. Which is also fine...but they don't let people know that up front. They try to hide that aspect.

Essentially if you say you breathe to live and someone says you don't and you insist that you do...if that person can get enough people to complain about you Authonomy will ban you for offending them complainer.

The first reaction to this post by the Period Collective (and their allies) will be to mock it and make a big joke over what's said. For those of you who are new, these are the people to avoid at all cost. Why? Because if you are of the mindset that sharing your opinion is valuable, these are the people not to hold court with. If they don't like what you have to say they will gather together and vote you out. And not because you broke any rule (Because they break them constantly by calling people stupid, just read their post when they get into arguments...troll is the same thing as stupid. Anyone using that term is most likely ignorant on what it actually means and essentially misuses it.)

If your reaction can be categorized by the following you are the problem:

  1. Turning it into a big joke.
  2. Mocking it.
  3. Calling names.
  4. Using the word troll in a snooty British manner.
  5. Being mad you're called British and not English.--hence the SNOOTY.
  6. Unable to address the points in this post with any reason outside of immature grumbling.
  7. Anyone that thinks ignoring is a proper course of action, but thinks passive aggressive action is part of ignoring.
  8. Anyone who watches British Television and isn't offended, but once online loses that thick skin and all the sudden things start to offend them. Could be because they be thin skinned and a hypocrite.
  9. If you defend using ly adverbs because your writing is that poor.
  10. Stating that they are proud to be on the list.
  11. And finally nitpick over how I decide to type things.