Friday, March 9, 2012

The Broken People of the Moment

Another case against excessive drinking. I do know morons who drink until they pass out and act as if it's okay. Drink a lot. HEY I gots a cannon. Let's play. Aim it at the trailer (oh, was a trailer) and FIRE! Oh, and forget that your wife is inside. that's a mess you have to deal with for a while. That and being the but of the jokes.

Next we have a family that allows their children access toreally powerful magnets. SO powerful that they just tear you up if you swallow…I don’t know…say 30! Seriously. What is wrong with people? I don’t understand the appeal of magnets. Wouldn’t they taste metallic and nasty? Nothing like candy.
"This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy."

Had that been a black child set on fire, the nation would be ablaze. But since it's just a white kid, it all right. Ain't no one going to shed a tear for a little ol' white boy. Certainly not anyone who is a liberal. It makes me sick that such people exist. Setting someone on fire takes too much hate. Enough that if you do something like that, what right do you have to live?

I need a heavy dose of great humanity. Maybe I got some....