Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Gay Hitler's Idiot's Guide to Tolerance

I'm not supposed to mention Hitler in a debate because of a douchebag named Godwin who egotistically named a law after himself. Too bad. Not mentioning Hitler allows people to act like him and not get called out on it. It's amazing that Dan Savage cares enough to tell those who are bullied for their sexuality that “things get better” and yet when things don't get better quick enough for him, he calls on the power of Hitler (as if Hitler were Captain Planet) to vent his frustration. His speech was very similar to how Hitler spoke about different view points. How they are vile and need to be removed.

I bet if a group of atheists went around burning Churches Gay Hitler (Dan Savage) would look the other way. Just like the women groups ignore any crude comment that is made about conservative women. And on that rare occasion that they stand up for conservative women, they do it with a caveat of how they don't agree with them. No one asked if you agreed with them. The pejorative term used is what needs discussed, not if the person is upstanding in your opinion. Quite frankly anyone who claims to fight for one group of people are bias losers anyway, so no one should want them in their corner. They are not looking out for your best interest. They are looking out for the best interest of the group. They make matters worse. Like GLAAD. Or PeTA. Or NAACP.

If Gay Hitler (Dan Savage) really cared about things getting better, then he would treat others who have different view points...better. He wouldn't care what's believed unless those that believe (such as WBC [those wonderful people that Freedom Caring Canada ban from entering their country...just another liberal hypocrite in action] who spout hateful things during funerals) are trying to destroy people. Then it's worth standing up against and telling them they are being vile because they are going directly against the teachings of Christ about love.

Instead Gay Hitler (now I don't have to say his name...connection) decides to preach to high school journalist about what he hates. Now that's how to show tolerance. He should write an idiot's guide. He didn't allow them to speak up for what they believe in. He decided to scream at them and call them names for choosing to walk out on his tirade. That is what the left always wants. Why don't you turn the other cheek. That they did and yet the left still went after them. I say the left because they are defending his vile actions because they love to hate.

Liberals swear they're tolerant and then they back a Gay Hitler, totally destroying this idea they care about how others are treated. I suppose they only care if those who are mistreated are those who think just like them. It is best to only stand up for those that agree with you, because that's how to be tolerant. So says the Gay Hitler's Idiot's Guide to being Tolerant.

I'm not even going to get into the fact that Gay Hitler misused the Bible through his childish rant about how he didn't like a book that he doesn't believe in because it doesn't like his lifestyle choice. He honestly believes that there should be a law saying everyone has to love all gay people or you'll be hated on by the tolerant left. That Idiot's Guide is writing itself. They are not all likeable. Therefore they don't deserve to be liked just because they're gay. It's not like Gay Hitler likes Christians. He displays in that video that he hates them. For someone to advocate that tolerance is the answer to show intolerance is painfully funny. Idiot's Guide Gold.

And if you want everyone to like you, Gay Hitler, you are in for a rude awakening. For you it no longer gets better. After this, it gets worse and that's not because Christians are (as you suggest) intolerant due to their beliefs. It's because you're intolerant due to your hate. It's because of people like you that gays have it rough. You are not likeable, which is exactly what you need to be when you are promoting tolerance.