Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Authonomy Sucks!

Authonomy is a website that is supposedly for writers. Instead it's a website that would rather cater to mob rule and ban anyone that doesn't abide by the rule of a mob or a gang. Have you ever lived in a neighborhood ran by a gang? It's chaotic. They don't have set rules and it's confusing. That's how Authonomy is ran. 

Authonomy sends this me this email without stating the problem: 

Your behaviour on the site has been flagged as abusive.
The Authonomy team tries to take a reasonably hands-off approach to moderation. However, racist, offensive, and irrelevant comments and messages will not be tolerated, nor will any flagrant exploitation of the Authonomy system. If this behaviour persists we will be forced to delete your account.

That's confusing. You can't tell someone they did something wrong without saying what it is they did wrong. 

First of all when a person or a website states that they're reasonable it's 99% accurate that they are not. If you have to state you are reasonable, you're not. If reasonable isn't shown in your actions, stating it isn't going to make it so. Duh.

Second, when you say “However” or “but” you negate the previous statement. Meaning they just stated that they were reasonable only to state that they're not. Which would be more truthful.

Third, “forced” is waste word. No one forces you to do anything. CHOICE. You choose to do it.

Anyway after that dumb email from a website claiming to be for writers from a country that has SKINS on its TV set. A show that has more foul language than most movies and they are going to whine over what? I don't know. They do not answer what was wrong. That's another reason why they are NOT reasonable. Reasonable people have a reason for doing something. When you offer no reason for doing something, you are not reasonable.

Reasonable people also give warnings. They gave no warning.

As per our terms and conditions, we have the right to remove any member whose activity is deemed offensive or inappropriate. Following previous warnings about your use of the Authonomy site, your behaviour has continued to be deemed abusive. As such, we have now closed your account and all content will be lost.

There were no previous warnings. More proof Authonomy is NOT reasonable.

What was abusive? The reasonable Authonomy didn't have an answer. Typical lairs. Say you are reasonable and when asked what's the problem, ignore it. Just so these “writers” know...that's not reasonable

They state that the banning happened because of abuse. Which is a lie shown by their next email:
Your deletion was based on an accumulation of complaints, and not on the actions or requests of any one member. We reserve the right to remove any personality that is causing disruption in the forums.

“An accumulation of complaints” which means they were upset over how many people complained over NOTHING than someone breaking a rule.

What rule was broken? None. They were upset that enough people complained. And who were the complainers?

The Period Collective

That's another creative way of saying pack of demonic wolves. They tend to go about their business as “kindhearted” people until you disagree with them. And then they come in one at a time to tell you that you can't tell them they're wrong. They rile themselves up to make it appear as if they have some justifiable reason for being douchebags of the British order. Oh yes, some of them might not be British. (and though they like to be called the English...that's the reason why they take the douchebag cake and eat it, too.) But to emulate British people is pretty pathetic when they can't even begin to take what they give.

John Stewart said  they have all that trash on their TV and yet you can't mock the Parliament? That's cause they take themselves far too seriously. What kind of “freedom” is that? The country that allows SKINS on TV creates a website that gets pissy when someone has a difference of opinion.

Richard Maitland
John Booth
Brooklyn Writer
Bev Allen
Patrick Whittaker
Jack Cerro
Tom B
Not Really There
Shakespeare's Talking Head
Eric Laing
William Holt
JD Revene
Rob1969 - - Don't be fooled by the helping hand in the avatar. If that were true, he wouldn't hang around the above.

If you disagree with any of them or they'll band together and try to remove you from the website. They'll try and convince you otherwise. Don't trust them.

Why would you want to be on a website that is ran by a mob? Authonomy said it themselves...if enough people complain they control the website. How is that right?

Richcard Maitland and John Booth are saddlebags (cause they got nasty skin). They go around telling others what they are and can't handle when the tables are turned.

Email Authonomy and tell them that Richard Maitland and John Booth have offended you. If enough people do it Authonomy will ban them. I'm sure they've got that one warning already.

Most likely they won't be ban and that's because they are favorites. They say worse things than anyone and yet here they sit prattling their preorations and no one says anything about the double standard. They are perfidious about what they've done and have done in life and yet everyone gobbles up what they say. I'm sure there are 40 more posters out there that have had a run in with them and find it disheartening that a website that wants to promote writing would allow Richard Maitland and John Booth to post. They don't even have evidence that they know how to write. Posting is as much proof of a great writer as debate is of a great President/Leader.

I already have 40 people willing to email. The more the merrier. Their email address: Authonomy@harpercollins.co.uk

Will the website abide by its made up rules or do as cowards do and show favoritism?

The problem isn't banning, it's banning under the guise of not following the rules when actuality the rule is whoever they don't like. Which is also fine...but they don't let people know that up front. They try to hide that aspect.

Essentially if you say you breathe to live and someone says you don't and you insist that you do...if that person can get enough people to complain about you Authonomy will ban you for offending them complainer.

The first reaction to this post by the Period Collective (and their allies) will be to mock it and make a big joke over what's said. For those of you who are new, these are the people to avoid at all cost. Why? Because if you are of the mindset that sharing your opinion is valuable, these are the people not to hold court with. If they don't like what you have to say they will gather together and vote you out. And not because you broke any rule (Because they break them constantly by calling people stupid, just read their post when they get into arguments...troll is the same thing as stupid. Anyone using that term is most likely ignorant on what it actually means and essentially misuses it.)

If your reaction can be categorized by the following you are the problem:

  1. Turning it into a big joke.
  2. Mocking it.
  3. Calling names.
  4. Using the word troll in a snooty British manner.
  5. Being mad you're called British and not English.--hence the SNOOTY.
  6. Unable to address the points in this post with any reason outside of immature grumbling.
  7. Anyone that thinks ignoring is a proper course of action, but thinks passive aggressive action is part of ignoring.
  8. Anyone who watches British Television and isn't offended, but once online loses that thick skin and all the sudden things start to offend them. Could be because they be thin skinned and a hypocrite.
  9. If you defend using ly adverbs because your writing is that poor.
  10. Stating that they are proud to be on the list.
  11. And finally nitpick over how I decide to type things.