Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pebble into Jupiter by Nate the CondescenKing

Joey Graceffa is a YouTuber whose personality is a magnet attracting people to view his videos about his life. He uses words like SLUT which causes some people to feign insulted. OHNOSE, he calls people names. Something people never, ever do…ever. Woopty-do. I call people whores. It’s like saying someone’s stupid. Sometimes you mean it. Sometimes you’re being facetious.

Nate Clark is one of those feigners.

If you’re wondering how to create Jupiter from a pebble, ask Nate. If you’re wondering how to make the best tasting lemonade you’ve ever had, ask Joey. He made that comment after several thousand insults that ranged from Joey being gay to Joey needing to kill himself (who knows how many he read or if he read any at all). He had one single response with a well-placed grin. It comes from this video. 

Joey has a great sense of humor that’s shown in how he reacts to being towed. I work with a tow company, and tow trucks call cops to inform them of a tow, because owners automatically think that their car was stolen. A natural reaction.

If someone is talking about you and you don’t appreciate it, you pull them aside and tell them you don’t appreciate it. You don’t collect everyone into the Town Square and announce that you hate the person with a condescending tone. A douchebag would and, like Nate, make a video claiming they were insulted. Not to mention having every right to get the car towed.

First let me take the “insulting.”  In order to insult someone, you have to actually use their name or use some form of subtly that indicates the person. If you don’t indicate who it is, then you’re speaking in generalities. People do that when they’re in the car, and someone cuts them off. They scream a name at them, toss up their hands or do some vile gesture. The reaction to the cutting off isn’t personal. It’s an in general reaction to the abrupt situation.

Nate attacked Joey specifically. Nate said Joey’s name. Nate talked down to Joey without a hint of subtly as if Joey wasn’t any smarter than trash at the bottom of his high horse’s hooves. Nate sharing Joey’s income was a douchebag move because that’s what douchebags do. He tried rallying everyone to target the person he’s targeted. This garnered Nate a lot of attention. Something he really, really wanted.  What better way to get that attention than taking on someone that has a lot of subscribers? Not only take Joey on through kicking him like a bum a snooty person hates, but have your video posted to Reddit and 4Chan and other whore sites so as to get attention for your supposedly altruistic deed.

Now about the right to tow. You have no right to tow. That’s because you have no right to drive. You have no right to a car. You have no right to a house. You have no right to a driveway. A right is equal to not having to purchase. It’s already yours. Such as free speech. You don’t have to purchase that. Making it yours. It’s a right. In order for Nate to have the right to tow he’d have to have been given the car, the house and the entire driveway without a single dime in payment to anyone, even the government via taxes. Actually we’d have to all be given that without payment for it to be a right. Since that ain’t happening, it’s not a right.

So, Nate didn’t have the right to tow. He had the legal right to tow…which is not the same as having the right to tow. Legal is used in court. It doesn’t matter elsewhere. Confused? Let me enlighten you with some historical facts. Legally cities were allowed to separate blacks and whites on buses, restaurants, restrooms, hospitals and such. Legally you can be arrested if you’re 18 for having sex with a 17 year-old (no matter if you’re boyfriend and girlfriend) and be charged with statutory rape AND be on the sex offenders list. Legally women were not allowed to vote. Legal isn’t a good argument for right/correct/without fault. Legal is only an argument in court, not for making a YouTube video demeaning someone so you can get attention, Nate.

Nate is a douchebag CondescenKing. There’s no two ways around his egotistical, inflated head. With people like that, they need a mob to nod in agreement in order to feel validated in what they believe no matter if it’s a lie. A mob. A zombie horde. A Borg collective. Whatever you call it, that’s what Nate needed. And got. Each thumb-up was proof people cannot think for themselves, let alone separate themselves from the bully. Nate is a bully. Proof’s in the creation of the video. The question that needs to be answered is what was Nate’s endgame? What did he want to accomplish with this video? If it’s the attention he got, (which it was) then he was being a bully. If it’s to embarrass Joey, (which it was) then he was being a bully. If it was to come off smarter than anyone who thought he was a douchebag, then he was being a douchebag.

It doesn’t matter if Joey parked illegally. That, in no way, justifies what Nate created…a sardonic storm of brutish, pernicious malice that tried to rain on Joey’s pleasant personality that has harmed no one in any of his videos. Something Nate cannot ever say.

Finally saying that you enjoyed the video because Nate made you laugh is, quite simply, backing a douchebag. In order to suggest that the video was done with humorous intent, it would have to be proven that laughter is the only viable reaction to the video. It isn’t as proven by the previous paragraphs as well as the posts in both videos’ comment sections. Nate didn’t create the video to tell people to attack Joey, but he’s never denounced any of the vicious comments that were made in his video comment section or that of Joey’s. Meaning he agrees with the insults. One cannot say the same about Joey’s fans, because Joey’s video didn’t name Nate or insult him personally. The fans of Joey were reacting to what Nate did and what his lovers had posted. If Nate never made a video, Joey’s fans wouldn’t have ever known who Joey was talking about and therefore couldn’t make any comments about Nate or his lovers.

Speaking of people that back Nate’s video because they laughed… Phillip DeFranco Show’s view on it  – this is only relevant because of the hypocrisy. You cannot be for NOT bullying, but be okay with it when it’s a byproduct of a video you endorse because you chuckled at what you claim is clever (even though it’s far from it). Nate’s video could not produce good. No reality that spans the space time continuum would have a good outcome of this douchebag CondescenKing’s video. Backing it is backing the comments that were tossed out against Joey. And that’s why Phil is wrong. I mostly disagree with him on several billion things because he’s too mushy and less logical, but his show is well done and enjoyable. Especially when he’s not talking about political things he doesn’t really get.

Tre C. B.’s response is the kind of clever Nate was trying to go for, but failed epically. And I can say that because when you get viral like Nate’s video, it’s not because it’s clever, it’s because it was mean enough for the simple minded to latch on to. Ooh if it was truly clever, it would take people a moment to actually appreciate what’s going on instead of going OMG ooh snap. When you say ooh snap, yeah…it’s as clever as a your mama joke. Which isn’t clever.

If you leave with anything that improves you, leave with the view of abstaining from group think. Don’t ever be in a group that’s jeering an individual to the brink of asking them to kill themselves. No one deserves to be attacked by a mob no matter what they’ve done. Justice has never been handled at the hand of an angry group of people. Not one single time in all of history can you name such a moment. Don’t be historically stupid.

Can I post here? Why…yes I can. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, Redskins!

Should the Washington Redskins change their name? No.


I'm half Japanese and half Irish. People that get Japanese characters tattooed on their body are offensive. If you can't speak the language, don't desecrate it by placing it on your sagging boob, poorly developed tricep or that torso that used to look better when you swam in high school twenty dozen moons ago.

Fighting Irish is offensive. I don't fight everyone. I hate when I tell someone I'm half Irish and they ask me if I want to fight and when I say no, they ask if that's the Japanese side speaking. Morons are offensive. Put them all in a concentration camp and gas them. Get a bunch of lactose intolerant people to crop-dust, it'll save on money.

While we're on the topic of what offends me, let me say how awful the term WHITE House is. As half white I find the name of said house fully vile. It's not really white anyway. It's like flat white and everyone knows flat makes everything useless. Flat chest. Flat butt. Flat crotch. All kinds of uselessness in those. Go ahead and count the ways.

Are we still on the topic of offensive? Yes, because it's my article. New Orleans Pelicans. Seriously? Totally offends my creativity. Get rid of it.

UNCF is offensive because of the N-word. It is a N-word, but is it THE N-word? I don't care. All N-words are offensive. Nothing good starts with N.

What else is offensive enough to change so I don't have to deal with it? I'm pissing out a Mississippi River of whining. It's a torrent of asparagus smelling raging spray. Except I haven't eaten any asparagus. The taste offends me.

Speaking of taste: Eskimo pies. Sounds like cow pies. That's just awful. Why would anyone name something in a similar light? Like gross twins. Evil, I tell you. Just evil. is offensive. Anyone with any sense of moral right knows that. SHUT IT DOWN. They should be renamed to Totally on point. Since PeTA thinks it should be the Washington Potatoskins. Considering how intelligent and smart PeTA is, I don't understand why anyone would deem that a stupid suggestion.

On the topic of stupid suggestions…actually nah. I've grown bored of this topic. But before I go I will give a list of things that are offensive and if you don't know why, it doesn't matter. Your opinion doesn't matter. Only those that are offended matter and as you sit all comfortable knowing you are okay with certain things, your world will change because all it takes is a militant (with weapons or ideas) minority to destroy everything due to them being offended.

If Washington Redskins changes because of pressure to do so, what's stopping these angry little Indians from going around causing more ruckus elsewhere?

Indiana. The state. Look it up.

Atlanta Braves. Really? You think they're safe?

Kansas City Chiefs. Not safe either no matter what your little liberal wet blankets say.

Cleveland Indians. Yap.

Los Angeles Angels. Oh, sorry, if you're a Christian you can't be offended. Pardon me.

Minnesota Vikings. Hahaha, right. White people can't be offended. Never.

Dallas Cowboys. Same as above. What was I thinking?

Giving in to people who are offended is like calling a personal foul in basketball for a player that is always faking hurt…always falling on the ground seconds before they're touched…sliding across the floor in agony, but able to get up and shoot those shots for some points. Allowing the offendants to get their way when they're not even really hurt allows them get their way when they're not even really hurt. So these offendants know they can do it again. And again. And again. And again.

And those that sit by nodding their head that this is so offensive and awful and that Indians should be listened to, well…your world sucks. Must be really difficult to walk around on eggshells all the time offending PeTA (the master offendants) as you kill unborn chickens, not to mention vegans (offendants to the nth) don't necessarily like you either. Neither do I. Clean up your eggshells and go home.