That is how discussions on topics go with friends or well-known acquaintances. You want to seem as if what you’re offering isn’t at all devious, but in fact is damn devious and detrimental to the other person’s argument. Not all Mysterious Rooks are very deep or well-concealed awesomeness. Nevertheless, who are we to judge? All one can hope for is to move their rook in mysteriously ways and avoid being put into a conversation camp.
A conversation camp is a well thought out term for forums where mods and the owner strangle the originality out of any discussion to please the PC crowd. Make no mistake; this is not a place for ignorance to breed. I’m not asking people to come and give their opinions if they’re going to go out of their way to insult people. It is about sharing one’s opinion without feeling they have to censor it because a mod will come along and correct them due to the lowest common denominator on the forum.