Thursday, April 5, 2012

Current TV Failure

And it looks like their business practices are catching up to them and Current TV will eventually fail. And I will be there to laugh in their face.  Because they suck and failure is all they will ever be good at.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Will320069 is a dirty Old Man

I have posted on forums since 2004.

Ever since I said that Will320069  flirts with girls who were underage, he was out to get me. If I weren't telling the truth he wouldn't have to attack me. He'd just have to let the evidence speak for itself. I only said it once and I said it to someone in private. But he couldn't do that. Search his screen name and you'll see that he flirts with girls. A lot. Right now the pickings are slim and there are no young ones he can swindle with his nasty words, so you won't find anything recently. And most of his nasty comments have go away due to how the website removes posts after a certain amount of inactivity. But I did search and found some that are good enough, but not as bad as he had gotten at one point.

When you're 28 and flirt with a girl that's 19, that's creepy. He flirted with girls that were 16 when he was 22. That's disgusting. If you find nothing wrong with that, well you don't have a daughter or you're just as dirty as Will. There is no reason for a 22 year old to flirt with a 16 year old girl online in front of the world. If that's what he said in public, one shouldn't even imagine what he said in private.

I wouldn't be surprised if Will had a record. But that's not something Jeff checks into when he hires mods.

Jeff is the owner and he could care less about how mods treat anyone. It took him ages to realize that a certain mod by the name of Adam was bad. He was told that Adam was bad. But he didn't do anything about it and Adam went on a tirade and deleted so much stuff that it most likely forced some posters to leave.

In 2005 the forums were bustling with new people and it was fun.

In 2005 Darphabobo took a prank too far and because he quoted me in the forums Jeff blamed me for something someone else did. It didn't matter if I said I didn't do it. It didn't matter I had nothing to do with it. It didn't matter that he had no proof or that what proof he had came from Will who had a history of not liking guys who stood up to him. This is why he doesn't talk to any guy. As long as he can control their thinking and keep them thinking he's smart, then he'll speak with them. That's why the two mods in BS are mods with him. They'll abide by how he runs things and won't think for themselves. And if you search their names on the BS forum, you'll see that they never confront Will when he's being dirty, nasty old man.

In 2006 Jeff allowed another crazy person to run around and do and say whatever he wanted. Seren_dipity  and in February he deleted an entire thread that was 10,000 pages under his boyfriend's (Sn0wman) profile name that was mod at the time. Neither Sn0wman or Seren_dipity got into trouble for their actions. That's a big thing on a forum...deleting people's posts in mass.

Jeff has a knack for befriending crazy people online and acting as if they're not crazy.

There was a poster by the name of Phoenix_89 who told everyone he was 16. He wasn't 16. He was more like 14 or something and he got to be mod and friends with Jeff. When it came out he lied, Jeff didn't care. And if he did, he didn't do anything about it.

I say that because whenever he was upset with me, the entire site knew because he couldn't help but spread it around like herpes.

Then there's Crosstheline who told everyone that he was a boy only years later to find out that he was a she the entire time. That's not a big deal if she told the truth the first time, but she lied and she was mod and she was friends with Jeff and Jeff didn't do anything about that one either. Not to mention a guy like him as a guy and then liked him as a girl. Go figure that one. Someone lies like that you gotta be a loon to fall for them.

Under all that crazy, I have great reason to question why Jeff gets upset over anything that I do. He couldn't list one thing that he's ever gotten upset with me over that is remotely close to what the above people have done or continue to do.

When he tells me I've said something wrong, I've asked what is wrong with what I've said. He doesn't ever have an answer outside how it makes other people feel. The question then is who made them think like that? Who trained them that it as okay to treat me like that? Jeff. He is upset with me because people view me as he wants them to view me? Exactly how is that my fault? How is that not retarded? How hard is it to tell people to get over not liking an opinion? He's babied several posters and now he has a site that's mainly brats.

This is another liberal ran website that tries and shuts people down if the owners don't agree with them. How can they seriously go about their lives claiming to want equality and fair treatment of people when they can't even do that on a simple little webiste?

If you profess that you're one thing (such as tolerant), most likely you're not.

When you accept the behavior you find abhorrent only because the behavior is against whom you dislike…it makes you the problem you abhorre.

If I were terrible, Jeff would have removed me along with Darph the first go around. But I wasn't terrible. He has some form of guilt for lumping me together with what he knew was wrong and that guilt has ate at him for the longest time and I play on it whenever I can. If I don't, he'll forget how wrong he's been and that cannot be allowed.

This is the man that allowed people to state I was a pedophile without any proof. He just let people say it. He even joined in the conversations. What kind of man runs a “student” website and allows a pedophile on? What kind of website owner for “students” lies about someone being something that they're not? The same kind of person that can't tell if someone's lying to him over gender or age.

Due to trusting the very ones who are negative and intolerant, he’s created a website that bleeds members. The mass exodus happened in the summer of 2006 when he allowed lies about me being a pedophile spread unquestioned and he never, ever redacted it or put those who said it in trouble. Some of them are still mods like Will320069, Greentutrle and for a long while, Bat.

If you go to Random Random or Ran Dumb, you can see how much fun it use to be. It's not totally seen in these threads, because these threads were deleted and the replacements' first few pages are on that topic, but once that passes, you can see how much fun it was. And for a while it lasts until the summer '06 when Jeff and Will320069 create a witch hunt out of nothing for me.

A question is why would I stick around if I was being mistreated? It’s like you finding a home you like and buying it. For years you care for it as your house and can’t think of another place to live. Then one neighbor starts to hate you for no reason. This bully neighbor gathers other neighbors together to hate on you as well. In total there’s five of them causing problems by talking trash about you. They claim no one wants you in the neighborhood any more. There are 100 other people that live there, but most of them are silent. Several don’t speak up. Instead of siding, they decide the peace of the neighborhood is gone, so…so are they. They move. The head of Home Owner’s Association blames you for all the problems, never once considering the bully neighbor as an issue. Anything you say to the bully neighbor is considered as an act of defiance and you are punished for it. After investing so much money and time into your home, do you up and leave or stay and fight?

I'm fighting. And in the next few posts I'll show you want is allowed to stick around while what I say is questioned as crass, mean and hateful.