That, in my mind, links directly to comedy. Men are mocked in comedy more than women. Go to YouTube and put in “Punched in the” or “Kicked in the” and the first few choices will deal solely with males. Put in “Punched in the boob” and there’s not much there. Similar to PMS? No. Women laugh at men and have the inability to laugh at themselves. That’s why there’s all this hoopla that Got Milk’s campaign is sexist.
The entire ad campaign is hilarious. From the Current Global PMS Level (mocking Homeland Security Terrorist Levels) to Puppy Dog Eyezer to the Sorry Ticker to Map of Where’s the Milk At is just pure genius. The pre-approved apologizes are fantastic. I picked a few to showcase.

With all joking aside, the Got Milk people provide information on how to help women deal with PMS issues via calcium. They figured they could get through to women by their men. It hooks men’s humor, wheels them in and then instructs them on PMS more so than griping and whining ever could.
Half the population of menstruating women admit to suffering from moderate to severe PMS each month. Fortunately research has shown that a diet rich in high calcium foods, like milk, may cut the physical and emotional symptoms of PMS in half. A majority of women who consumed 1200 mg of calcium a day for three months reported being less irritable, weepy and depressed, and suffering from fewer backaches, and less camping and bloating (read Study from the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology or from the Archives of Internal Medicine). With 300 MGS of calcium per glass, milk is the perfect PMS comfort food.
Link to Quote
Help Mother Hen Relax is part of a game that they have on the Got Milk website. It’s fun times. Go and try it out.
In conclusion, this ad campaign is hilarious and Got Milk deserves an award for fantasticness. The world is offended every second. Being offended over Got Milk trying to get information out with a comedic flare, is dumber than a heifer.