Saturday, January 24, 2015

Slut Shaming Saturday

THE JEZEBEL BRIGADE! (shame the sluts on the list...they need a bit of a reality check)

Why am I doing this? Because self-righteous people are a bane on good conversation. These people believe they're the only ones who can make threads and the only ones that have any worth and therefore are the only ones whose responses matter. This is proven in how they react to anyone new or different. And for those not listed here, you know it's true. 

FindingNamo - unable to appreciate their own heritage without hating on it and spiting on others. And is bound to live and die like Jezebel. YOU don't like me? Well let me be as uncreative and lame as Jezebel in all I do. Let me try and murder you, cause that is a justified way of dealing with people who don't like me. I, as a mature adult, have to react like an insane, hormonal freak of nature and then justify it by getting my other hormonal freaks of nature to follow suit. If that's not a slut, what is? 

Oh, and this person is super fake. Don't know what I mean, ask her. Fake. Fake. Fake as snow in hell. If anyone should apologize for anything it's her for lying to y'all. Search and ye should find.

Phyllis Rogers Stone - As perverted and disgusting as each of those names indicate and as high on himself as the last one would suggest. I'm wonderful and you're not. Oh, reasons? I don't need reasons, I'm douchey enough to say it and douchey enough to believe my own words. Yeah, don't waste your time considering my opinion, you might catch a mental disease that's as bad as the STDs I've racked up for myself.

haterobics - as wise as a dead owl that a fox took a massive dump on. Please believe that I care about how everyone feels and everyone thinks cause that's what my screen name means. It has nothing to do with the fact that it's aerobic for me to hate. Like oxygen for the douchey.

Jay Lerner-Z - Pretentious poster thinking he's posting anything worthy of knowing and it should be known cause he's the one that knows it. I can post definitions and then that's enough for you to understand I know how to copy and paste....I mean know what I'm posting about.

Jordan Catalano - As self-important and irrelevant as each of his post would have you believe. OHNOSE someone doesn't like me...they must be a stupid past poster I can't seem to get over. Self-important and irrelevant. Not to mention moronic.

Borstalboy - as clever as the name can't imply. Listen, I don't have a degree in anything outside of the word liberal, but I sure know how to tell if so one has mental issues. I won't use such great faux education on myself and diagnose me as having Douche-to-Mouth disease (douching to clean out what bile I've been saving in my rectal area and then drinking it so I can continue with my BS knowledge sharing).

South Florida - as boring as the name implies. Even the avatar is boring. This person needs a shot of smart and...well let's just start with smart. More of a coattail rider than anything. If she (I assume a lot cause it saves time...why waste anything as valuable as time on people who are as intolerant as the Nazis ever were...but they haven't killed anyone yet? Yeah, yet.) had a valid original thought...that would be original. But I don't believe that's possible for someone who comes up with a screen name like South Florida. HOLD the creative doors....

Dame -  seriously? This is the screen name you pick for yourself? Boring doesn't even begin to chip at the tip of this dull iceberg of a human being.

tazber -  just a little sheep. There, there sheep, you will be comforted by those you follow. You'll be lambchops soon enough. 

SmokeyLady - baabaa little sheep. The shear is going to pass your nappy self by. 

HorseTears -  More like croc tears. Was that boring? Well so are they. Who thinks Horse Tears is creative name? 

Threads the Jezebel Brigade ruins because they are bound by their own ignorance

Don't know how a baseball player is? Don't care to ask, just make stuff up and then when you're told you're wrong, complain about the people who know more than you cause you're embarrassed you're stupid about a topic. Everyone doesn't know everything, but at least have the balls to admit you were wrong instead demeaning a death cause it's not who you like. Forums that allow idiots like that to stick around and bully others like this are bound to fail. As that forum already shows, those three run around and post as if no one else can have an opinion outside of them. 

And the these people wouldn't know how to give good criticism if you taught them. They are that retarded. Ohnose they are offended cause someone used AIDs in a joke...morons. They go around and mock people for being different than them, but have the audacity to be offended over a silly (and accurate) joke on how some people use AIDs in acting. If they were actually as creative as this forum would indicate fans would be...they wouldn't have had an issue with that. They'd have stuck with comments of it last too long and explain where it could have been shortened. 

You can figure who isn't creative by how they criticize or (in the cause of the Jezebel Brigade) hate. For those that are creative actually appreciate parts of art no matter how much their taste is offended. There are times when the art isn't even art, so there's an argument there. But when all you do is attack Asians, as the Jezebel Brigade has a tendency to do, then you need to hide it better.

But the biggest load of ignorance is in a film none of them saw but all of them are going to whine about as if they have any idea about anything outside of their own bubbles they are suffocating in.  If learning were part of posting, everyone in that thread would be banned for not even attempting to do so. These posters would be the posters that would SPIT on a veteran as their kind did back during the Vietnam War. It's one thing to hate war, it's a totally different thing to hate on a person. It's just like when people get upset over a religion for hating (mainly hating on Christians instead of Muslims-- just as FindingJezebel  the coward couldn't point out in the France Terrorist thread) on homosexuals for their choice in sexual activity instead of the homosexual themselves. There is a difference in disliking an event instead of a specific person in the event or the action or the lifestyle (oh yes I did, get over it). 

So hate war. Hate it to death, but don't attack the soldiers in the war. They volunteered to do it. Demeaning them doesn't do anything good. But what should one expect from a group of intolerant cowards? 

Posts by the Stupids of the Jezebel Brigade (created by FindingJezebel herself)

Imagine hearing someone say the following things. And then ask yourself: would you really considering these people friend material? In the very least they could be better at insulting.   

If one is to think that they only did this to me cause, well, I was new (and that's what they do to new people..cause they are the most awful welcoming committee EVER), then how do they treat people they are familiar with in the forum sense?

They're so tolerant, let's all see how that tolerance works when they are set in FindingJezebel Mob Mode:

I didn't mention Reginald cause really, who does?

Life is simple. If you are tolerant and accepting of people, then you will show it in any part of your life. There are no exclusions. It's the small matters that matter. You can spout off all this talk about how you stand up for those that are in the minority and then if you are like KAD (mentioned further down) all you do is coware in the background until the damage is done and then you come out and point fingers and say, "OMG that's so wrong. You shouldn't be doing that." The brave stand up when they have the most to lose, not after everything has fallin'. The smallest of areas is an online forum. If you stand by and watch a group attack anyone and do nothing cause you don't wanna catch their ire, then you're just as much a problem as they are. Words are far worse than punches. Not to even mention if you stand by when words are being exchanged, there's no way you'd be brave enough in real life to stand up for someone when fists are flying.

Those who marched for Civil Rights marched together against a bigger threat and they knew that if they did certain PEACEFUL marches that they were walking into hatred, but they didn't coware. They didn't back down. And those who attacked them were a brigade of hatred. They were only following orders. They were doing as they were told and at the time they were the majority mindset. They, as a group with weapons, attacked those that had none. It's same when someone walks up to someone they don't like with their group of friends. Five on one. The four hold the one while the boss beats him down. It's cowardly. It's just like the Jezebel Brigade. They attack like a pack of wolves without a sense of care as if they're not even dealing with humans. And that should scare EVERYONE on this forum. THAT mindset is the worst kind of mindset in human history.

You should always nip that mindset in the bud. Don't let it grow. But it's a tad too late, here. Their weeds are infesting what could've been a beautiful garden.

No one should be tolerant all the time. But if you're going to sit there and claim you are and then you treat the different with hatred, then you're the problem you claim not to like. And those problem posters are listed above. ALL of them go and attack people and then act as if they have done nothing wrong. They act as if in some odd way their attacking is a HOLY act and that they are justified in their actions.

They are not justified.

The news articles that talk about bullying state it's people who post the above things that are the problem. They create mobs online and then go after people who are not like them. Then when something awful happens they step back and state that they're just words and they didn't mean to cause any harm.

The difference between me and them is that I'm ten million times more creative and ten million times more sane. Crazy people need a group to latch onto and agree with them so that the mean things they're saying are justified. This allows them to attack, bash, kick people when they're down ( a sick, twisted mob attack like at a McDonald's--google it) without feeling like they're doing anything wrong. They need their group. Their gang. Their mob. Their brigade. Like the SS. Like the Stasi. It was ONLY ORDERS those wonderful, evil Nazis would state. IT'S ONLY WORDS is no different in the attempt to justify your actions. Take responsibility for your lack and be better.

"NEVER, EVER mention Nazis. It kills debate." No, it does not. What kills debate are those that run from a discussion or shun it cause they don't like what the other person has to say. The problem isn't what's said, the problem is people don't tend to listen or read and because of that things deteriorate into doucheyland where the Jezebel Brigade feels at home. Anything can be discussed, it's just a matter of how the topic is broached. It is not a matter of merely mentioning it. Nazis aren't an issue and shouldn't be on a blacklist because someone gets all uneasy when they're used. The reason people don't like discussing them isn't because they feel uncomfortable, it's because they're ignorant on what Nazis actually are. They are far more than just killing. Killing was the outcome of their policies and procedures. Their killing wasn't the start and so when someone mentions them, it very well could be that the situation warrants it. That the situation is a warning that this person or group are walking a worn path history has already proven is bad. And instead of shutting down conversations like that, one should figure out why they think that and if it's bred out of ignorance, correct them. But you actually have to know how to correct without turning into the Jezebel Brigade where you just punch someone and say OMG you're stupid.

Forums die because of people like this. They scare off new people (which y'all don't have, cause if you did...there wouldn't be dead time cause the Jezebel Brigade isn't posting) and eventually the forum starts to shrink.

I've seen it happen to two sites. They didn't have a popular news side, though. So that's probably the only saving grace for this site. If it weren't for that the Jezebel Brigade would have killed this place long before I even created an account.

What can you do to make the forum better? Complain about the above people any chance you get and stand up to their bullying. Just cause they post in a mobish manner doesn't in anyway make any of the people above right in anything they have to say. And trust me, most of what they have to say is so wrong anyone with an ounce of knowledge on the topic would eviscerate them.

ABOVE ALL do NOT trust that FindingJezebel (or as you know this thing: FindingNamo) is real. Faker than a fake tan on the Jersey Shore. Shame the slut any chance you get.

Oh and Kad:

He should get his balls back from whoever snipped them off. Good grief, what a massive shrew of a person. If you actually fought back against what you believe is wrong, you'd be a better person for it. But it appears you'd rather be accepted than fight against bullies.